

发表于 2024-10-17 23:36:03 来源:饕餮之徒网





China has set its sights on developing the country's hydrogen energy industry by 2030. But one of the main challenges faced by the sector is 可不卡妄how to transport co妹妹ercial quantities of hydrogen in a safe and cost-effective way. Ning Hong visits an enterprise in Hunan Province that's developing solutions for transporting green hydrogen.


NING HONG "This is a flexible production line which is designed to adapt to the production of varies types of trucks. We simultaneously manufacture diesel, gasoline, electric, and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. How do we coordinate the different vehicle types in terms of their parts and materials?"

三一商用车智造公司长沙公司副总司理曾经繁利:“首先,咱们有一套定单打点系统。经由这个系统天生的斲丧定单,可能被动识别每一种车辆规范所需的物料,从而确保每一台车需要的配件都是独一、精确的。为了可能斲丧氢燃料重卡,咱们约莫花了六个月的光阴来刷新斲丧线、配置装备部署调试、职员培训,最终实现为了量产。”ZENG FANLI Deputy General Manager SANY Co妹妹ercial Vehicle Company, Changsha "Firstly, we have an order management system in place. Through this system, we generate production orders that can automatically identify the required materials for each vehicle type. This ensures that every vehicle receives the correct and unique set of components. To manufacture vehicles like hydrogen fuel cell trucks, we invested approximately six months to modify the production line. This includes factory renovations, equipment debugging, personnel training, and ultimately, mass production."


RAO HONGYU General Manager, SANY Hydrogen Energy "The hydrogen equipment industry has existed for decades, but in the past decade or so, the vigorous development of wind power and photovoltaic industries has effectively controlled our electricity generation costs. Taking photovoltaics as an example, over the past decade, our photovoltaic electricity generation costs have decreased by 90 percent. The economic viability of hydrogen production based on wind and solar power has been effectively ensured. To achieve the dual carbon goals of peak carbon emissions and carbon neutrality, we need to use a large amount of hydrogen in industries such as green chemicals, green transportation, and green metallurgy. Electrolysis of water for hydrogen production has become an essential requirement."



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